Cancer Care is Still Hit or Miss
Current diagnostic approaches, including genomic testing, cannot tell with accuracy whether a cancer therapy will be effective.
But There Is Hope
The SAGE Oncotest™ evaluates a curated list of FDA-approved drugs assessing their potential for treating your specific cancer.
Call Us Now
If you are scheduled for surgery
If you are scheduled for surgery and require subsequent treatment, contact us NOW so we can coordinate getting a fresh tumor specimen from your surgery. This will help you receive the most effective treatment options for you.
Call Us Now
If your Treatment Has Stopped Working
If your treatment isn’t working (anymore), contact us! Our SAGE Oncotest™ can tell your oncologist what to avoid so that you can get the promising treatment.options for you.
SAGE Oncotest™
The SAGE Oncotest™ can test a large panel of FDA-approved drugs for a wide range of cancers.
How it works
- Contact us prior to surgery or biopsy and we will coordinate with your physician.
- A fresh tissue is taken during surgery or biopsy and shipped to SAGE.
- Receive your SAGE Oncotest™ Report to significantly improve the effectiveness of your treatment.
Types of Cancer
- Solid tumors such as ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, or brain cancer.
- Solid tumor of unknown origin.
- Blood cancers such as multiple myeloma.
Schedule an Appointment
To learn more by consulting with Dr. Apfel or to have your oncologist schedule your SAGE Oncotest ™, please visit our how to order page or direct questions to
If your treatment has stopped working,
let us help you find the most effective treatment.